Sunday School

St. Philip's Sunday school takes place at 12 noon via Zoom, following Mass.  We accept children 4-17 years of age. As public heath restrictions are eased, we return to in-person gatherings. Class will be held in the Christian Education space on the second floor.  Games, trips, and snacks will be reintroduced after Easter (2022).

Our program is patterened after the "Living the Good News" course written for the Episopal Church. This is a scripture based curriculum designed to help our youngsters understand our Faith and develop a personal relationship with God.

All children are encouraged to attend service with their families to participate in the Liturgy and receive their blessings/communion.


St. Philip's Acolytes

Interested in being a part of the worship service at St. Philip's? 

Acolytes serve in many capacities at our church. We are always looking for youth volunteers to serve as Torch Bearers and Crucifers.  If you would like to be on an Acolyte Team, please leave your name with the church office or speak with Michael Philips or Leon Phillips. 



St. Philip's Episcopal Church is a proud supporter of ‪#‎GirlScouting‬: Daisy 2905/ Junior 2734/ Senior Cadette 2530, which meets on Saturday's at 1:00pm. Girl Scouting is fun. Girl Scouting is inspiring. Girl Scouting provides leadership experiences that last a lifetime. Join at Different Levels: Daisy: Kindergarten or first grade; Brownie: Grade 2 or 3; Junior: Grade 4 or 5; Cadette: Grade 6, 7, or 8; Senior: Grade 9 or 10; Ambassador: Grade 11 or 12. To learn more visit


Cub/Boy Scout Troop 263
St. Philip's Episcopal Church is a proud supporter of Cub/Boy Scout Troop 263. ‎Cub Scouting‬ is the foundation of the organization, designed for boys in the 1st-5th grades. To become part of the scouting family, please join Cub/Boy Scout Troop 263, on Tuesdays at 6:30pm.

BSA Youth Application: